Armand Jasari odchodzi z I, THE BREATHER

Metalcore`owy zespół I, The Breather niedługo po wydaniu albumu „Truth And Purpose” rozstają się z dotychczasowym basistą Armandem Jasari.

Przyczynę odejścia muzyka z zespołu znajdziemy w specjalnym oświadczeniu, przygotowanym dla fanów i reszty zespołu:

„As of today, after much thought and consideration, the band and I have decided to go our separate ways. Each one of us has our own thoughts/differences about a wide variety of things. There is no hard feelings whatsoever, it has to just come to a decision that I think works best for me. I’ve had a blast touring and seeing everything that I never thought I would, and I’m proud to have gotten a chance to do that as well as make countless friendships with people that I’ve met whilst traveling. It’s been one hell of an experience, and I wouldn’t take back one second of it. It has come to a time for me to focus on myself and my better being, as opposed to traveling continuously year to year with no sense of direction. From this point on, I plan to take my education further to obtain my Bachelors and Masters Degrees in Forensics/Criminology. As far as music goes, I don’t think that I will play with or travel/tour any longer in any other bands. However, due to my love of playing bass and Jazz, my bass will not be leaving my side as I will work on studio type projects with certain Jazz musicians, etc. With all that said, I still love all the guys and wish them and the future of ITB the best!”

Z przygotowanego oświadczenia, możemy wywnioskować, że muzyk postanowił skupić się na muzyce jazzowej oraz rozpocząć naukę z dziedziny kriminologii.

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